State government memberships in IALLA, The Lemon
Law Organization, are open to state and federal agencies involved in motor
vehicle Lemon Law advocacy, legislation, education, enforcement, licensing,
research, complaint resolution, dispute settlement, or public policy
development. Associate memberships are open to
non-profit educational institutions and students in degree-granting programs
that deal with Lemon Law issues.
Corporate Subscriptions
Industry associations, businesses, and others may join IALLA as Corporate Subscribers for annual dues of $200.
Renew or Join Online
You may now pay your membership dues online! Click one of the links below.
(government agencies)
(industry associations, businesses, and nonprofits)
Corporate Subscriptions
Industry associations, businesses, and others may join IALLA as Corporate Subscribers for annual dues of $200.
Renew or Join Online
You may now pay your membership dues online! Click one of the links below.

President, Stacey Hornsby, Georgia; Vice President
Public Policy,Arianie Aragon, Georgia; Vice President
Corporate Relations/Membership, José Escobar, California; Secretary,
Sandra Araiza, Washington; Treasurer, Demetrice Davis, Virginia